The Front Lines

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

I'm Back!!


Ok, so college was a lot busier than I expected it to be. Dumb me...getting a highly technical degree and yet still thinking I would have free time. *rolls eyes* Oh well. I'm back in my hometown for the summer now, and I'm ready to dive back into blogging! God poked me this morning about getting involved again and making the most of the technology at my disposal, so here goes. I hope to be writing a lot again, as well as participating in some lively debates. =) Check back often to see what's new. Also, check out my personal blog at:


I have gotten settled in (for the most part) at college, so I think I can safely re-open my blog! I need to do some updating of my profile, but I anticipate writing again soon, so check back often to see what's new!