The Front Lines

Thursday, February 23, 2006

The Foxhole

The earth shakes. Thunderous explosions rend the ground, fountaining dirt and debris thirty feet into the air. Automatic weapons crackle between ear-shattering concussions. A deep rumble announces the arrival of a tank. The muzzle flashes and a shell speeds on its way. A tall pine tree splinters at its impact, the treetop crashing to the earth as its base is suddenly destroyed. Tracers light up the night sky as shadowy shapes scream overhead on their missions of death.

In a small hole in the ground, I cower, trying to fit as much of my body as is humanly possible behind my helmet. Waves of terror roll over me, threatening to overwhelm my mind. I cling to sanity by a narrow thread, my nervous system taxed by an ordeal that it was not designed to endure. For what seems like hours, I quiver in my prison, not daring to even raise my head.

At long last, the hellish nightmare appears to be subsiding. The horrific explosions slow, then cease altogether. No dark shapes blacken the sky overhead and only the moon illuminates the dirt at my feet. The gunfire becomes sporadic, lessening from the constant chatter that it had been a short time before. I muster the courage to stand to my feet and peer over the edge of my hole. The tank burns across the clearing. As I listen, the gunfire ceases altogether. In its place, I hear a faint noise. I cock my head to listen. A faint smile crosses my face as I realize its source. The men are cheering.

Sinking down to the bottom of my hole again, I sit with my back against the wall and breathe a sigh of relief. I take off my helmet and wipe the sweat from my brow. I look down at my shaking hands. A sudden thought occurs to me. Digging in my pack, I retrieve a pencil and a small pad of paper. I chew on the eraser. Where to begin? Ah yes. Putting pencil to paper, I begin to write.

* * * * * * *

A war rages around us. Whether we acknowledge it or not, the war certainly exists. It has gone on since the beginning of time and will continue until the end, a colossal struggle between Good and evil that cannot be avoided.

Humans are swept into the battle like leaves caught by floodwaters. They go with the flow, not realizing they have just sided with the enemy and condemed themselves for all eternity.

All would be lost if not for the Captain of the Light. Picking a select number of humans, he freely forgave their treason, showed them the truth of the battle, and gave them new strength to fight the current.

The war continues. Casualties fall like flies, yet the wounds are miraculously never fatal. Fellow soldiers help the fallen up and they are restored stronger than they were before.

We press on. Ultimate victory is assured. We have a Leader whose face shines like the sun.

Men boast of riches, fame or glory. I care little for those things.

I am a soldier of ONE.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very cool blog! I really like how you chose to integrate a military theme; it's quite catchy, especially to the guy audiences out there (being a guy myself, I think I can justify that comment lol). You set the stage well, and I'm looking forward to reading future entries!

9:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Got to your blog by your comment on Mosiac Mind (dude is my co-worker).

For a first post (heck, for a million posts), that was great! Welcome to the bloggosphere. You will fit in quite nicely.


7:43 AM  
Blogger The Patriot said...

Thanks so much for the comment on my blog.

I knew I had clicked on "household of faith" before... and now I remember; it's the Harris church! :) I love the Rebelution. Great blog.

Just wanted to drop by and say hello; keep the posts coming!

7:54 AM  
Blogger Unknown said... lost my first comment.


I told you not to put a "first post!" entry on here, and you sure didn't! Proud of you, brother.


P.S. If you don't want spam comments on here (and they'll come), turn on Word Verification.

8:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well done. not many understand the spiritual battle that rages around us. obviously, you do.

9:55 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Oh, and what's this about the "poor me, I have 3 sisters" thing?

I know where you sleep.

12:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The wounds are never fatal? Are you sure?

10:31 PM  
Blogger Thomas said...

Thanks for the compliments. :) I pray God can use my feeble writing skills to bring glory to his name.

10:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very well written, my son. However, knowing you, I doubt that you would trying to cover as much of yourself as possible with your helmet. :-)

10:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well I got your email and checked out your blog. Very cool if I do say so myself. I'm looking forward to seeing how it progresses. Keep up the good work!

2:42 PM  
Blogger Thomas said...

You know, the frustrating thing about these comments is that I never know who is who! Some people are obvious (like joe momma...that's a "duh"), but others have me stumped. *scratches head*

The wounds are never fatal? Are you sure?

Absolutely. If you see being "wounded" as falling to an attack of the enemy (a.k.a. struggling with sin or backsliding), which is the analogy I intended to make, then a "fatal wound" would imply that the casualty lost his/her salvation. According to the fifth point of Calvinism, "Perseverence of the Saints," and more importantly, John 10:28-29, that's impossible.

"And I give to them eternal life, and they shall never ever perish, and not anyone shall pluck them out of My hand. My Father who gave them to me is greater than all, and no one is able to pluck them out of My Father's hand." John 10:28-29 (MKJV)

2:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you're a natural, Tommy.

6:12 PM  

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