The Front Lines

Friday, March 03, 2006

Corrupted Rations

I stare at my friend's retreating back. Putting Denney out of my head, I turn and wander down the line. Greetings follow me.

"Jensen! How's it going, bro?"

"Hey hey, look who's here!"

"What's up, man?"

"Jensen buddy, good to see ya!"

I smile to myself. When every day might be the last for your friends, you are always happy to see them alive.

Ahead, I see a group of men clustering around a supply truck. Making my way through the crowd, I see that our weekly supply of rations has been delivered. I wait in line with the rest.

After receiving my rations, I head back up the line toward my foxhole. I smile at the soldiers who greet me. One soldier catches my attention. He pays no mind to me or anything else as he sits with his back to the world. I squat in front of his foxhole.

"How's it going, Bill?"

He jumps and spins around.

"Jensen! I didn't know you were there. I, uh..." He hastily shoves something orange under his pack. He seems to be genuinely happy to see me, but his eyes refuse to meet mine. "How are things on your section of the line?"

"Bill..." I sigh, "Are you still eating those old S-rations?"

He fidgets.

"Why would you think that?"

"Come on, Bill. Be honest with me."

He looks at his boots dejectedly.

"Alright. Yes, I am."

"Why? You know they're bad. For crying out loud, the enemy poisoned them!"

"I know, but they taste so good! Well..." He scuffs at the dirt with his toe. "At first, anyway."

"Bill," I say sympathetically, "I know how you feel. They do taste great. But they are harmful in the end. A little poison now doesn't seem to hurt anything, but it will take a toll on you later. Besides, we have clean food now. Before we knew the S-rations were bad, we didn't have a choice of what to eat. But now we do! You don't have to keep eating the poisoned food!"

He sighs.

"I know, Jensen. I just can't help myself. Please leave me alone."

He turns away from me and stares into the forest. I open my mouth to say more, but decide against it. I rise to my feet and look at my friend. He knows I am still here, but ignores me. Shaking my head in sorrow, I continue back up the line.

I grumble to myself. I think it would be better if no S-rations are available for the soldiers at all, but High Command refuses to discontinue them. Something about part of the soldier's training being to learn to make right choices. The supply personnel certainly don't help with those choices. Flighty and giggling, the girls almost seem to encourage soldiers to get the S-rations.

I sigh. Just another battle in the war that I fight.

* * * * * *

Battles rage over every aspect of life. We fight battles day-by-day without even realizing it. Struggles over what we watch, think, do, and say are a continual part of normal life. Every person has different battles to wage. Not one person is tempted exactly the same as another. But there is one area that all men struggle with.


The King designed men to be visually stimulated. It is very easy for men's passions to be awakened. Even more so than women, men struggle with keeping their minds and hearts pure and free from lust.

Many men fall into cleverly-devised traps of the enemy's making. Falling prey to their runaway desires, they engage in fleshly activities that indulge their lust and feed their cravings. They feel on top of the world for a brief moment as the rush hits. Afterward, they feel like rotting maggots squirming under the gaze of a righteous King.

Tragically, too many men do not realize the truth of the Captain's sacrifice: They are freed to not indulge their flesh. Before the Captain opened their eyes, they did not know that what they did was harmful. Now they see the truth of the enemy's traps and can freely choose to avoid them. They are freed to drink the Living Water instead of the world's polluted water.

However, the enemy does not give up easily.

Even though the soldiers' eyes are open, he still tries to ensnare them. He fills their heads with lies, telling them that it doesn't really matter in the end. What will it hurt? It's my life; I'll do as I please. Or he weakens their mind by telling them that they can't help themselves. I know I'm addicted, but it's too late for help. I can't do anything about it.

The enemy is sometimes assisted by female soldiers who don't realize what they are doing. Attempting to attract male soldiers, they act in a way that is not proper or wear clothing that is not modest. They frequently don't even realize that they are making their brothers stumble.

It would seem easier if the King simply removed all sources of temptation from the soldier's life after his eyes were opened, but He does not. It is enough that the soldier is freed to make right choices. It would not benefit us, nor bring glory to the Captain's name if His soldiers only obeyed Him because they had no other choice.

My comrades, do not continue drinking the world's water. I know well the attraction that the rush holds. Yet it is all vanity. It will not last, while the joy that comes from drinking the Living Water lasts forever. Leave the world's filth and be free.

My sisters, do not make your brothers stumble. Please carefully examine your motives for your actions and the way that you dress. Let the King bring the right man to you in his time. Do not try to take matters into your own hands by attracting men to you with your body.

Glory to the Captain who has set us free to choose His water. It is no choice at all. How is a choice between joy eternal and soiled guilt really a choice?

My Captain, thank you for your sacrifice.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


12:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very good allegory, Soldier of One. You could even take it farther to include all other temptations. Seems like they're all like this -- corrupted rations that taste so good... at first. I can't think of an instance where this is not the case, can anyone else?

1:15 PM  
Blogger Thomas said...

Yeah, I see what you mean. The analogy could definitely be broadened to include any kind of temptation. That particular struggle is just what was on my heart at the time. :)

8:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! Very well written. I like your style and your message. I'll be reading more!

10:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing, your writing style is amazing. Thanks for the encouragement.

*linking to you*

4:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's a great post. I'll definitely be back.


5:10 AM  
Blogger Thomas said...

Thanks, guys...glad you like the posts. :) If you have any ideas for subjects of future posts, let me know.

I do have to say that my goal is not to garner praise for my writing; my purpose is to make people think. If I make you stop and consider your own spiritual battle a little bit more, let me know! That kind of comment will be worth even more to me than praise for my writing. :)

1:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for asking us that Thomas. It definitely is much more important in writing to affect people in their life, than in their opinion of your writing. So many people have a good 'writing style' but don't have anything to say. That can't be said for you.

I've found myself mentally referring to your article ever since I read it. It definitely made me think, and has encouraged me to keep that stand as a soldier, and not weaken myself against the enemy.

God Bless!

5:27 PM  
Blogger Thomas said...

I've found myself mentally referring to your article ever since I read it. It definitely made me think, and has encouraged me to keep that stand as a soldier, and not weaken myself against the enemy.

THAT is exactly the kind of comment that makes it worthwhile. All glory to the ONE!

9:06 PM  

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