Basic Training
After rolling up the blanket and stowing it with my pack, I climb out of my hole to take a look at my surroundings. Craters mark the terrain from the artillery shells that deluged this area last night. The burned shell of the tank still squats across the clearing and shattered trees litter the landscape. I shake my head. Devastation.
"Jensen! Good to see you're still alive!" I turn at the familiar voice.
"Barely," I smile wanly. "That was one of the fiercest bombardments yet."
He grunts. "It was a lot worse on other parts of the line. The brunt of the attack landed to the north. Nevertheless, we lost three dead and nine wounded. Cursed artillery. Of course Denney..."
We both fall silent. Denney lost it the first night, screaming and clawing at the floor of his foxhole midway through a bombardment. He was evacuated to the rear, but the shock of his breakdown still sends a tremor through the company.
Denney excelled in basic training. He took to the military atmosphere like a duck to water. He was everyone's pick for a real hero. Yet all his training did him no good. Training is useless when the solder can't fight. The first sign of combat shattered his nerve and sent him to the hospital. Nervous breakdown. Combat fatigue. Whatever you call it, the facts remain the same. Denney is gone.
* * * * * *
In the battle that rages around us, parents are anxious for their children's safety. They should be. The enemy loves to attack young souls. They are inexperienced and fall easily to his assaults. Thus, it is quite understandable for parents to thorougly indoctrinate their children into the service of the Captain. They hope that a solid foundation will assure their young ones' salvation and bring them up to be solid soldiers of the King.
So they bring their children to the King's house whenever the doors are open. They carefully monitor their children's friends and entertainment habits. They bring their children up in the King's Way, reading His Book to them even before they are born.
Their efforts appear to bear fruit. The children walk and talk the King's Way effortlessly. They can recite portions of the King's Book in their sleep. They speak of the Captain as if He was their best friend. Their parents look on and smile. This one is surely safe from the enemy.
Perhaps not.
In all their preparation, in all their fervent efforts to keep their children in the King's Way, they have missed one vital thing. This one thing, like a chink in a suit of armor, gives the enemy all the room that he needs. They neglected to ensure that the child has a relationship with the King. If he does not, any efforts to train him for the King should be abandoned. Their whole energy should be focused upon helping him see his need for the Captain. If he has no relationship with the Captain, any efforts to reform his behavior or bring him up in the King's Way will ultimately fail.
Training is useless if the soldier can't fight. The soldier can't fight if he doesn't realize there is a battle. The soldier can't realize there is a battle unless his eyes are opened by the Captain. If his eyes are not opened by the Captain, all training he has received is useless.
Indeed, it does more harm than good.
Any training poured into a blinded one does nothing but teach him how to behave to satisfy the real soldiers around him. He puts on the outward appearance of a soldier, but his heart is not in it. The only thing his trainers accomplish is to create an actor of the worst sort. Because his trainers do not know that he is blinded, they cannot help him see.
Parents, before you bring your children to the King's house again or ask them to memorize more of the King's book, have a heart-to-heart talk with them. Make sure that your efforts are not being wasted. Ensure that they have a relationship with the Captain.
My comrades, do not alienate your brothers who have not yet seen the light. Your greatest testimony is when you accept the blinded ones and love them the same.
Blinded ones, stop your pretending and be honest. There is no shame in the truth. A relationship with the Captain is the most rewarding experience you can imagine. Can you feel it pulling at your soul?
My heart cries out for my blinded friends. Come to the Light. Leave your chains and be free.
Dear King, open the eyes of the blinded ones.
O my Captain, save our children.